An Analysis of Unique Survivor Perks Per Trial

Recently on Otzdarva’s stream the question of how many unique survivor perks exist in each game was raised. I, as someone who both heard that and has access to a moderately sized data set thought it might be interesting to try and get some numbers that are beyond pure mathematical probability. The stats included here are from matches uploaded to

A couple of notes on this data, firstly, only matches with 16 perks equipped are included. In addition, I first queried it from the killer perspective (I.E. the person uploading the match was playing killer) to remove any bias from the same survivors and consequently builds being included multiple times. After doing this though I was curious what the survivor data would look like and I’ve included that too. In total, the dataset consists of 5591 Killer matches and 6618 Survivor matches.


Killer game mean average: 11.71 unique
Survivor game mean average: 12.03 unique

If you’re anything like me you might be surprised the average is so high given how often it feels like there are duplicated perks in a match. I think what we’ve got to remember is duplicate perks are still of course counted (albeit only once), so in reality an average of 4 perks are duplicates of another already present in a match. At least to me, viewing it this way round seems more reasonable although I still find myself questioning where I could have messed up, are you surprised by these percentages?

  • There’s more unique perks than I’d expect
  • The number of unique perks is about what I’d expect
  • There’s less unique perks than I’d expect
0 voters

As a bonus I wondered which perks are the most likely to be duplicated so I threw a query together for that and got these results from the killer matches (top 11 are here, you can find the top 30 in the raw data below if you want more):

Name Average per match it appears Average per match overall
Dead Hard 1.87 1.49
Borrowed Time 1.85 1.49
Iron Will 1.75 1.36
Decisive Strike 1.70 1.16
Self-Care 1.57 0.87
Spine Chill 1.50 0.94
Adrenaline 1.38 0.67
Sprint Burst 1.30 0.60
Unbreakable 1.29 0.53
Lithe 1.25 0.48
We’re Gonna Live Forever 1.24 0.47

(Bear in mind this dataset includes matches from before the DS change so it’s percentage isn’t entirely representative of what it is currently. You can find more up to date data on that and other perks here:

Once you get past the usual culprits for the top 4 places, I find it rather interesting to see how much higher the repeat appearance rate is for the perks than the overall average - I can only imagine a large part of this is a result of SWFs sharing perk preferences and trying out similar builds.

This was rather fun to do, if you have any thoughts on this or any other stats you’d like to see, I’d love to hear them.

Raw data:

Click to view

Killer match graph data (5591)

Unique Perks Percent of Matches Matches
16 0.77% 43
15 4.29% 240
14 10.71% 599
13 18.51% 1035
12 21.96% 1228
11 19.10% 1068
10 13.16% 736
9 7.76% 434
8 2.45% 137
7 1.04% 58
6 0.21% 12
5 0.02% 1
4 0.00% 0

Survivor match graph data (6618)

Unique Perks Percent of Matches Matches
16 1.22% 81
15 6.50% 430
14 13.83% 915
13 20.38% 1349
12 20.53% 1359
11 17.42% 1153
10 12.12% 802
9 5.17% 342
8 2.09% 138
7 0.56% 37
6 0.08% 5
5 0.06% 4
4 0.05% 3

Killer match perk appearance stats

Name Average per match it appears Average per match overall
Dead Hard 1.87 1.49
Borrowed Time 1.85 1.49
Iron Will 1.75 1.36
Decisive Strike 1.70 1.16
Self-Care 1.57 0.87
Spine Chill 1.50 0.94
Adrenaline 1.38 0.67
Sprint Burst 1.30 0.60
Unbreakable 1.29 0.53
Lithe 1.25 0.48
We’re Gonna Live Forever 1.24 0.47
Kindred 1.24 0.47
No Mither 1.22 0.01
Resilience 1.21 0.40
Urban Evasion 1.20 0.25
Flashbang 1.19 0.01
We’ll make it 1.17 0.31
Prove Thyself 1.17 0.41
Resurgence 1.16 0.01
Windows of Opportunity 1.15 0.23
Bond 1.14 0.25
Quick & Quiet 1.13 0.21
Breakdown 1.13 0.01
Counterforce 1.13 0.01
Balanced Landing 1.12 0.22
Inner Strength 1.11 0.24
Empathy 1.10 0.20
Head On 1.10 0.14
Dark Sense 1.10 0.09
Blast Mine 1.10 0.01